The human retina senses the empirical; optical wavelength, intensity, and direction of the light relative to the eyeball. The vast remainder of visual perception is extrasensory; indirect and inferential, rather than the result of retinal stimulation. Viewing the sky, as in the instant exhibition, is like a doctor examining her patient. It is based in her cerebral databank of information learned through formal education, peer review literature and practice and further enabled by blood testing, X-rays and other imaging studies. In the interpretation of the latter studies, the doctor also uses her inferential reasoning, insight and intuition to render a diagnosis. Kolker’s visual scent theory of indirect perception applicable to his sky paintings is also founded in inferential reasoning, insight and intuition.

Paul Kolker: cumulonimbus bleu, 2009
acrylic and silkscreen on canvas
96 x 96 inches in 16 parts
Paul Kolker: The Dot is in the Sky is on view from August 3 through September 20, 2017 at the PAUL KOLKER collection, 511 West 25th Street in Chelsea adjacent to the HighLine between Tenth and Eleventh Avenues. Also on view is Paul Kolker: Abstract Decalcomania… An Experiment in Perception at 600 Third Avenue, NYC.