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Abstract Decalcomania –
An Experiment In Perception
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The Best Is Yet To Be…
Overpainted Tears

Paul Kolker: The Best Is Yet To Be… Overpainted Tears
Curated by the artist and published online by Media-Star.Page 1 of 3 For decades Kolker...

The Best Is Yet To Be… Overpainted Tears
Figure 1 Paul Kolker is pleased to present his seventy-fifth solo exhibition, The Best is...

Paintings Which Speak to Me… Grandpa Murray and His Amazing ‘Fire Engine Red’ Super Pumper
Paul Kolker is pleased to present his seventy fourth solo exhibition which he has curated and...

Dialogical Perception… Art as Experiment
Paul Kolker is pleased to present his seventy-third solo exhibition, Dialogical Perception… Art as Experiment at his studio, the PAUL KOLKER collection, 511 West 25th Street from February 6 through March 27, 2020.

Dot Derivatives Synthèse… Abstractifying the Abstract
Paul Kolker is pleased to present his seventy-second solo exhibition, “Dot Derivatives Synthèse… Abstractifying the Abstract,” at his studio, the PAUL KOLKER collection…

About Healthcare…What’s Next and On Whose Dime?
Paul Kolker is pleased to present About Healthcare…. What’s Next and On Whose Dime? from September 12 through November 15, 2019 at the PAUL KOLKER collection, 511 West 25th Street in Chelsea…

About Atmosphere…Synthèse
Paul Kolker is pleased to present his seventieth solo exhibition, About Atmosphere… Synthèse at the PAUL KOLKER Collection, 511 West 25th Street from June 6 through September 6, 2019…

About Space… Synthese
Contemporary artist Paul Kolker’s exhibition of paintings and photographic prints is about an experiment which questions how we perceive the illusion of three dimensional static space in a two dimensional canvas; while using a sculptural control group of volumetric pyramids of spheres.

About Synthèse… The Marriage of Figural
Paul Kolker is pleased to present About Synthèse… The Marriage of Figural. The exhibition, produced and curated by the artist, features Kolker’s new experimental paintings, prints, sculpture and videos which he calls ‘synthèse’ because they evoke the illusion of a synthetic transformation fusing his abstract and figural paintings…

About Topsy Turvy Perceptions… October 1962
The “About Topsy Turvy Perceptions… October 1962” exhibition features paintings, sculpture and live interactive video documenting some of the the artist’s most difficult to fathom perceptions experienced while Chief of the 3565 USAF Clinics at James Connally AFB, Waco, TX during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis…

About Faces, Places, Movers and Shakers
New York contemporary artist Paul Kolker presents About Faces, Places, Movers and Shakers, his 66th solo exhibition…

The Long Drive Home
Paul Kolker is pleased to present The Long Drive Home at the PAUL KOLKER collection from July 19 through September 13, 2018. This exhibition of so-called synthèse paintings, which are both abstract and figural, and light sculpture is produced and curated by the artist as an experiment in perception…

The Essays of My Perception…Paintings Which Speak to Me
The exhibition is an experiment in perception testing whether having read essays written by the artist and curator influence the beholder’s perception of the exhibition and the works in it, whether abstract or figural…

The Poetry of My Perception…Paintings Which Speak to Me
For this exhibition, Kolker has written four poems about his perception of his experiences and feelings in the making of the paintings and their exhibition…

Origins… Helen’s Dots
Contemporary NYC artist, Paul Kolker presents Origins… Helen’s Dots contemporary art exhibition in New York City from January 25 through March 16, 2018.

On Becoming a Turkey!
Paul Kolker is pleased to present, On Becoming a Turkey!... an exhibition of paintings and light...

Gesundheit Reimagined!
The show’s title is derived from our “gesundheit” response to hearing a nearby person’s sneeze; a proclamation of our wishes for his good health. Kolker curates this exhibition, using his works as a projective psychological experiment, to test the viewer’s perception of imagery, cognition and understanding generated from the viewer’s reading Kolker’s text painted over an abstract or figural painting; or in viewing figural paintings without text…portraying our governmental health care leaders, legislators and justices, which we also perceive visually, but as Kolker’s aesthetic, yet graphic and painterly sign language.

The Dot is in the Sky
Paul Kolker presents The Dot is in the Sky at the PAUL KOLKER collection from August 3 through September 20, 2017. The exhibition is an experiment testing indirect perception…

The Dot is in the Park
Paul Kolker presents The Dot is in the Park at the Paul Kolker collection from May 25 through July 28, 2017. The exhibition of paintings, prints and light sculptures is an experiment testing how the viewer perceives elemental colors placed one next to the other…

Color, Color… Embossed Decalcomania
Paul Kolker presents Color, Color… Embossed Decalcomania at the Paul Kolker Collection from March 16 through May 18, 2017…

Color, Color… One Next To The Other
The contemporary art exhibition, with its accompanying catalog, is an experiment in human color perception using both the mediums of video photography and painting.

Tensions Between Light and Water – An Experiment in Perception
This exhibition of light sculptures and paintings opens at the Paul Kolker collection in Chelsea on November 10, 2016 and runs through January 13, 2017.

Abstract Decalcomania – An Experiment In Perception
PAUL KOLKER collection presents Paul Kolker: Abstract Decalcomania… An Experiment in Perception…

The Ishidots Festival
Paul Kolker presents The Ishidots Festival at the PAUL KOLKER collection from May 12 through September 9, 2016 in attribution to Dr. Shinobu Ishihara and his century-old color vision charts of painted dots; still used by ophthalmologists to test for color blindness…

Splash, Spray and Splatter…KILL LIES ALL!
Kolker’s inspiration for this exhibition is the splatter silhouette made by paintballs; iconic for a destructive act of force rather than a creative one.

Shade Paintings…The New Moving Pictures!
Paul Kolker is pleased to present Shade Paintings…The New Moving Pictures! from December 10, 2015 through March 11, 2016 at the PAUL KOLKER collection…

String Theory…Up Close!
Paul Kolker is pleased to present String Theory…Up Close! from September 17 through December 1, 2015…

Is Seeing Believing?
Paul Kolker collection is pleased to present Paul Kolker: Is Seeing Believing?, a summer-long solo exhibition curated and produced by the artist as an experiment in perception, from July 9 through September 11, 2015…

The Droste Effect
Paul Kolker presents The Droste Effect exhibition, which features paintings, prints and sculpture as an experiment in perception based on the artist’s first use of iterative processes generated by a television screen’s moving image repeatedly reflected in a mirrored room…

Flatland Reimagined…A Romance of the Line and the Dot
Paul Kolker presents Flatland Reimagined…A Romance of the Line and the Dot, an exhibition of light sculptures and paintings of dots overlaid with lines in the form of grids, curves, squares and squiggles that suggest a melee of dimensionality and gestural movement.

Flatland Redux…The New Abstract!
Paul Kolker presents Flatland Redux…The New Abstract! – an exhibition of paintings, drawings, photographic prints and light sculptures is about the sectioning of our multidimensional world of space and time into flat planes of canvas, paper and mirror.

The Space Between – Group Exhibition Curated By Diana Buckley
Diana Buckley, guest curator presents the group exhibition, The Space Between from November 13-16, 2014 at the PAUL KOLKER collection. Artists include, Joe Ball- weg, Brent Birnbaum, Vince Contarino, Erik Gonzalez, Sarah Han, Jeffrey Kessel, Paul Kolker, Visakh Menon and Serry Park…

Jigsaws and Scumbles…The New Abstract!
Paul Kolker presents Jigsaws and Scumbles…The New Abstract!, contemporary art exhibit opening on September 18, 2014 in NYC.

Dot Derivatives…The New Abstract
New York contemporary art exhibition, Dot Derivatives…The New Abstract, by Paul Kolker contemporary artist nyc.

Halftones and Ishidots…The New Abstract!
Paul Kolker is pleased to present Halftones and Ishidots…The New Abstract! opening on May 1, 2014 at the Paul Kolker collection, 511 West 25th Street, NYC.

Speak to Me…About Healthcare!
presents his sixth solo exhibition about healthcare since 2006, “Speak to Me…About Healthcare!” – opening at the Paul Kolker collection in Chelsea New York on February 27, 2014. Paintings and video infinity light sculptures provide the historical narrative for more than a century of US federal governmental healthcare reform as transformed by the artist, who is also a physician, lawyer and, at one time, director of a healthcare insurance company.

Crossing Tenth Avenue
Paul Kolker is pleased to present Crossing Tenth Avenue, an exhibition of his light sculptures and paintings opening on October 10, 2013 at Paul Kolker

Standards and Horizons
Paul Kolker is pleased to present Standards and Horizons, an exhibition of light sculptures and paintings opening on July 11, 2013 in the Chelsea gallery district New York City…

Shapes, Spaces and Surfaces, Redux
Paul Kolker presents an exhibition of his new paintings which test the viewers’ perceptual relationships between abstract and figurative images superimposed on the same canvas…

In a Blink of the Eye!
Paul Kolker is pleased to present “In a Blink of the Eye!” from March 7 to April 26, 2013 at the artist’s Chelsea gallery.

Water, Water Everywhere
Paul Kolker Gallery is pleased to present “Water, Water Everywhere”, an exhibition of Kolker’s new works on canvas based on his iPhone photographs of his Chelsea gallery’s flooding during superstorm Sandy.

The Dot is In…Speak to Me!
Paul Kolker presents The Dot is In…Speak to Me! – an exhibition of Kolker’s paintings and light sculptures that has been produced and curated by the artist with the intent of fostering an age-gone-by Schopenhauerian etiquette dictating that one must stand before a picture, as before a prince, waiting to see whether and what it will speak to us.

The Dot is In!…Reflections on Roberts Rules
Paul Kolker presents “The Dot is In!…Reflections on Roberts Rules,” an exhibition about the past hundred years in the development of American healthcare as influenced by the political process and most recently by the judiciary through a metaphorically ethereal, yet heroic, decision by Chief Justice Roberts.

The Dot is In!…Reflections of the Real
[June 28, 2012] Paul Kolker: The Dot Is In!...Reflections Of The Real, is the sequel to the 2011...

The Dot Is In!…And Over The Line
[May 3, 2012] "Paul Kolker: The Dot Is In!...And Over The Line", an exhibition of abstract grids...

The Dot Is In!… Shadows Of The Real
Paul Kolker The Dot Is In – Shadows Of The Real is a dot art exhibition of abstract paintings and light sculptures.

The Dot is In…Framed!
[November 17, 2011] Paul Kolker: 'The Dot is In...Framed!' is an exhibition of new dot paintings...

Tints and Shades Redux
[September 22, 2011] Paul Kolker: Tints and Shades Redux is an exhibition of dot paintings, prints...

The Art of Medicine: Empirical, Intuitive or Both?
[July 1, 2011] A medical school may seem like an unlikely location for an art exhibit, but to...

Over & Over
[May 26, 2011] Paul Kolker: Over & Over continues his bold experimentation with light as a medium...

Let There Be Light!
[February 1, 2011] Paul Kolker, 'Let There Be Light!' is an exhibition of twenty-four recent...

The Pandora Syndrome…Go Gesundheit!
[December 16, 2011] Paul Kolker: The Pandora Syndrome...Go Gesundheit! is an exhibition of...

Go Gesundheit!
[September 29, 2010] Paul Kolker: Go Gesundheit! is a five part series of exhibitions based on the...

Color, color, everywhere… Go yellow! Go green!
[June 3, 2010] Paul Kolker: Color, color, everywhere... Go yellow! Go green! is an exhibition of...

Einstein, Mandelbrot & their Footprints on the Sands of Time
[February 25, 2010] Paul Kolker: "Einstein, Mandelbrot, and their Footprints on the Sands of...

Dialogue Continues: Paintings, Photographs & Sculpture
[December 17, 2009] Paul Kolker, The Dialogue Continues: Paintings, Photographs and Sculpture is a...

Buber, You and I Know the Reason Why – Go Digital!
[September 24, 2009] Paul Kolker's yearlong Go Digital! series of paintings, prints, high...

Shakespeare & a Midsummer Night’s Dream
[July 16, 2009] Paul Kolker's Shakespeare and a Midsummer Night's Dream...Go Digital! The...

Aristophanes and the Clouds
[May 7, 2009] Paul Kolker's exhibition Aristophanes and the Clouds...Go Digital! is a combination...

Digital Is In…Go Digital! The Prologue
[January 25, 2009] Paul Kolker's "Digital Is In...Go Digital! The Prologue" celebrates our...

The Dot is In!
[December 11, 2008] In "The Dot is In!", Paul Kolker exhibits a new series of modular and colorful...

Happy Birthday, World!
[September 25, 2008] In "Happy Birthday, World!," Kolker continues his experiment in perception,...

About Faces, too
[July 17, 2008] In "About Faces, too", Kolker continues his art as an experiment by using the...

Prone To Being Supine
[May 15, 2008] In "Prone to Being Supine," Kolker engages art as a process-driven experiment, but...

The Rule of Nine
[March 13, 2008] In "The Rule of Nine", Kolker uses his process based art as a perceptual...

Forms, spaces and surfaces…and colors, too
[December 20, 2007] "Forms, spaces and surfaces...and colors, too", is the continuation of...

forms, spaces and surfaces
[October 18, 2007] In forms, spaces and surfaces, Kolker employs art as an experiment to test and...

Surge On To The Gardens
[May 17, 2007] "Surge on to the gardens," is about the urgency to rescue our hibernal and wintry...

Knots and Dots
[March 29, 2007] "Knots and dots" is about the dynamic tension in ideas and feelings between the...

About Faces
[December 14, 2006] "About Faces" highlights a panorama of twelve portraits of Kolkers stars of...

H5N1 Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
[October 19, 2006] Paul Kolker's H5N1 Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest — Picture an avian flu...

Surge on to the operating room
[April 6, 2006] Paul Kolker's "Surge on to the operating room" — Kolker is Chief of...

The ink dot project
[February 9, 2006] Paul Kolker: "The ink dot project" — Inspired by reflections in a mirror...

A good image is good luck
[December 15, 2005] Paul Kolker: "A good image is good luck" — Paul Kolker's recent work is...

Expansions of Color
[April 1, 2004] Paul Kolker's current works in progress, Expansions of Color bridge the chasm of...

Boundaries, borders and frontiers
[December 11, 2003] Paul Kolker's recent works in Boundaries, borders and frontiers define the...

In Perspective
[March 20, 2003] Paul Kolker's In Perspective is the artist's first solo exhibition in New York....
The Best Is Yet To Be…
Overpainted Tears

The Best Is Yet To Be… Overpainted Tears
Opening September 10, 2020
The works were produced by Kolker while in COVID-19 quarantine at his Long Island studio to study and test the many procedural variables used in his making abstract decalcomania paintings, and by overpainting newspaper tears laid on canvas to test the viewer’s indirect-perception, an automatic brain function which fills in visual blind spots such as those obscuring the newspaper texts.
Abstract Decalcomania – An Experiment In Perception
This ongoing satellite exhibition of select works from Abstract Decalcomania – An Experiment In Perception can be viewed at 600 Third Avenue in New York City. Kolker, as both artist and curator, is known to create and exhibit his art as an experiment in perception, testing our experience. Because technology has changed the ways we see, understand and communicate by using devices with flat screens, display grids and colored dots of light, the dot remains Kolker’s focus; but in this expansive exhibition, there is a new twist.
Feb 22, 2020